Reviewing Your Inventory Check-in – A Great Way Of Making The Most Out Of It
What to look for when reviewing your inventory and check-in.
- Accuarate meter readings with photos, including the water meter which may be outside the property. These should show the locaiton of the meter as well as the serial number.
- Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms have been tested. Here at Inventory Company we can go one step further and offer a clip of the testing for you to view. Any alarms not working should be noted as being notified to the agents or landlords.
- All door frames are described and shown on all sides, including the threshold. This is to ensure that any dents that may have been made by hangers on the tops of the door frame arent missed.
- The location of the fuse board and stop cock should be listed for you.
- Photographs and descpriptions of the keys that have been handed to you at the property.
- Lots of accompanying photographs. You can never have too many! We can even offer 360-degree camera imaging for each room, as seen in the image beow
- All outside areas are fully described and photographed.
- Comprehensive descriptions of the items and their condition.
- A cleaning schedule, including copy invoices of any professional cleaning that has taken place.

At Inventory Company we use High Quality Professional inventory base software. This to ensure all of our reports are easy to read and of a high standard. We don’t use acronyms or jargon that’s difficult to decipher but we do provide a comprehensive and detailed report with supporting photographs. We aim ensure both the landlord and tenant can review their report easily.
To book your inventory and check-in in to take a look at any of our sample reports, please visit our website.